Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I am still here!

Wow, so I have been really neglecting this place! We have been pretty relaxed with school right now which has been great for all of us. I enjoy both a very strict and structured format to our days but also a very relaxed and spontaneous format. A few weeks of the strictness and then a week or so of the relaxed keeps it fresh around here. Right now we are in the middle of studying birds still, also rocks which we are all very fascinated with. Tomorrow we will make a crystal garden and Friday we will possible make a volcano.

Learning to Spell through Copywork, has anyone had any experience with this program? I was able to flip the the pages of it this weekend and really like the looks of it but would love some thoughts of a user. I have decided on Simply Grammar after looking at it. History is still undecided for me, I was thinking of continueing Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer but have been thinking about All Through the Ages by Christine Miller. I like the idea of getting the cd for SOTW and listening to it together each week.

Well it is pouring outside and my boys just woke up ready to eat and start the day! Have a great day! Things will start back in order around here soon.

JOYfully in Him,

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