Monday, September 29, 2008

Seasonal Encouragement

I love my children and I love homeschooling but there are moments when I tell myself, "This is to much, you can not handle this." and tonight I am so thankful for the blessing of those veteran homeschooling moms who are letting me know that I am not alone and encouraging me to gain perspective, look to the Father and press on...

Sally Clarkson is a name and woman you need to know as soon as possible if you don't already. Her book Seasons of a Mother's Heart is a must read for all homeschooling moms, it is full of honesty grouped with inspiration to not only endure this calling but to embrace it and thoroughly enjoy every single blessed step.

I was so blessed tonight to find her Youtube clips from on her book Seasons of a Mother's Heart... enjoy...

There are more to come and I am anxiously awaiting them.

JOYfully in Him,

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